It's Wednesday and it pours outside.
Looking out of my kitchen window I see nature changing right before my eyes. The brown grass that lingered throughout the winter is now of a vibrant green. Flowers are a little confused about the weather and some have not shown themselves this year at all, but spring flowers started to blossom, showing that them, have also changed after the winter.

Nature has always been one of the few constant in my life. It has also been one of my best teachers. It was lost in its arms and whispering winds that I have found peace and harmony growing up. It was always a safe refuge out of all the family drama and pain. Contemplating, silently, its delicate nuances has taught me to notice and appreciate the little tiny things much more than I appreciate the big ones. It was laying on the grass in the middle of wild flowers in the savannah of Brazil, that I first experimented a feeling I have never had in my home: harmony and balance.
The fragrance of flowers and the clean, crispy unpolluted dry air of Brasilia, still being built as the Capital of Brazil back then, showed me, for the first time, at the tender age of 7, what love was.
A a love for something big, much bigger than myself. This feeling would flood my soul and whispered into my ears stories of distant lands and people speaking other languages, it whispered the stories of little and lonely girls all around the world who could raise above themselves and change their circumstances if they were persistent and courageous enough.
Years have passed from that sweet memory of my infancy and today, as I sit here, looking outside, listening the rain drops against the windows, I realize that while many say that things are what they are, that all is bad and there is no hope, I must disagree. If things were what they were, with no possibilities of changes, changes that start with our own nature, I would never be here.

People today live in a stage of immediate satisfaction and if not attained within the next few seconds they just move to something else. A world of too much for too little, to impress others rather than to stand for who they are. To blend with the mass rather than to stand out for their uniqueness. A world made of blaming on others, on their parents, on the economy, on the government, on their teachers, on their families, on their partners, on their circumstances, on their chances, or whatever other excuses people can find....nothing is never good enough...this world has come to a crazy search for nothing, a crazy race going nowhere...
Sure it's not an easy path, changes are never easy, especially when it comes to changing ourselves, which requires a daunting scrutiny of our deepest fears and issues in order to perform this change. It require taking ownership of our own actions and lack of actions, it requires self-critique. The thoughts that we will awake some disturbing memories and mess everything it's not an excuse. Don't they say that the truth will set you really does. We sometimes think "what if it doesn't work???" well, that is a possibility isn't? But then, there is always the flip side of every coin...what if IT DOES????
As I travel back, remembering many of the different stages of my own life a quote from Paul Counsel comes to mind - The results you are achieving are the ones you have learned to achieve and if you want to change those results, then you must change the thinking and behavior that's responsible for them.
Have a great Wednesday!
N. Cardoso 05/09/2012
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